Todd has always been a big fan of duct tape - "It can fix anything and it comes in a multitude of colors!" While once again extolling the marvelous tape's many properties, he happened to mention that he had crafted a purse out of said duct tape. At the juxtaposition of Todd, duct tape, and PURSE, we naturally scoffed. After a brief moment in which to pull ourselves together, we (like all supportive coworkers) demanded proof. Todd readily supplied the following picture:
Todd explained his foray into the world of purse creation thusly - Having observed a woman with a purse made out of duct tape, he went home and procured one of his wife's used handbags. He used a classy flame duct tape for the body of the purse and a yellow duct tape as the accent color on the handles. Todd notes that it is easiest to flatten the bag as much as possible before applying the duct tape. He also recommends folding the duct tap over the top edge of the bag to create a more seamless look and to minimize fraying.
Bravo Todd!
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